Dignity. Poise. Mystery. We expect nothing less from the great turn-of-the-century magician Presto. But when Presto neglects to feed his rabbit one too many times, the magician finds he isn't the only one with a few tricks up his sleeves!
Alec is a simple bunny. He doesn't want fame or fortune; he just wants a humble dinner. Presto the magician, however, lives for fame and fortune and is spiteful to anyone—or any rabbit—that stands in his way. Is there anything that could make Presto appreciate his poor, suffering bunny and give him the carrot he deserves?
"Presto" is a blend of old and new: a classic cartoon's arch style in a gorgeous Pixar environment. Using cartoon logic and a quick-paced story within a real-time narrative, director Doug Sweetland worked with master animation designers Harley Jessup and Teddy Newton to bring an old cartoon tradition to life with brand-new Pixar characters.